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December 20, 2019

Texas Child Support Laws

In the state of Texas, a person who is in the obligation of paying child support is called the “obligor.” On the other side of the spectrum, the “obligee” is the person that is entitled to receive child support. In most cases, the obligee is the person with primary custody of the child. The child […]

December 19, 2019

Spousal Support in the State of Texas

In Texas, spousal support is not part of a division of marital property or child support. A spouse temporarily pays from future income in order to support their ex-spouse after a divorce. Temporary spousal support refers to when the money is paid prior to the finalization of the divorce. Spousal support is a court-ordered alimony […]

December 17, 2019

Divorce Laws in the State of Texas

Regardless of the couple, sometimes things just don’t work out. While everyone wishes to have a marriage that lasts forever, the truth is that many times, a time will come when you and your spouse have to call it quits. When this time comes, there will be a series of legal and financial challenges that’ll […]

December 13, 2019

Termination of Parental Rights in Texas

There are many issues in the State of Texas when it comes to parental rights. Unplanned pregnancies are not too rare, and a father may discover that he is not the generic father of a child and may decide to stop paying child support. Additionally, sometimes, a parent is simply in no place to have […]

December 12, 2019

HIPAA Authorization Forms

A HIPAA Authorization Form protects you in instances where you become incapacitated. When you sign this document, you’re choosing someone to be able to access your medical records. This designated person can make decisions about your care in situations where you are no longer able to make those decisions yourself. Without a HIPAA Authorization Form, […]

December 11, 2019

Child Custody Laws in Texas

In the state of Texas, child custody is oftentimes referred to as “conservatorship.” So instead of referring to a parent as a “custodian,” courts in the state of Texas are referred to as a “conservator.” Furthermore, conservatorship is the term that describes the legal rights and responsibilities of a parent. A family law judge decides […]

November 25, 2019

Powers of Attorney: What to Know

At the core of any good estate plan, you’ll likely find a trust. Think about this, who do you trust with making decisions in your best interest when you are unable to do so yourself. Family members and friends might be the first things to come to mind. No matter who you decide, the person […]

November 24, 2019

General Overview of Spousal Support

Formerly referred to as spousal maintenance, spousal support is an alimony payment ordered by the court. In cases dealing with spousal support, the courts will make a decision based on available evidence. If you’re seeking support or if you’re the one paying spousal support, you’ll want to have an experienced family law attorney representing you. […]

November 22, 2019

HIPAA Forms: What to Know

Another aspect of estate planning to be aware of is a HIPAA form. This document will also protect you in the case that you become incapacitated. By signing this form, the person you choose will have access to your medical records. The reason being so he or she can make decisions based on those records. […]

November 20, 2019

General Overview of Living Wills

An advanced directive, also known as a living will, is an important aspect of estate planning. In short, this document provides doctors and caregivers instructions on what medical treatments you do or don’t want in the case that you’re unable to give those instructions yourself. Those instructions can include orders such as don’t resuscitate and […]